Meet our staff and learn what they love about the Mizel Museum and the Mizel Institute!

Courtney Mizel
Founding Board Member
As Jews, we are taught “to be a light unto the nations” (Isaiah 49:6 ). For me, this has always meant a personal responsibility to promoting social justice for all people. To this end, the Mizel Museum promotes the concept of Tikkun Olam, or “repairing the world” through its exhibits and programs which confront contemporary issues of racism, hatred and injustice while incorporating the history and struggles of the Jewish people. The goal of the museum and its programs is to unite people of all backgrounds and empower individuals to make a difference.

Melanie Pearlman
President and CEO
Since its inception more than 30 years ago, the Mizel Institute has been dedicated to addressing the most pressing issues facing society today. Through our unique educational and cultural programming, we work to create dialogue and influence social change in an effort to improve our world.

Georgina Kolber
gkolber@mizelmuseum.orgManaging Director
The uplifting and harmonious songs performed in At the Table with Dr. King ignite my passion for social justice each time I experience them. The program is the next best thing to having been able to march with Dr. King, who was a hero because of his vision for human and civil rights for all people.

Penny Nisson
pnisson@mizelmuseum.orgDirector of Education
The Holocaust is a profound and difficult subject to cover but is the most gratifying part of my job. I get to see genuine emotional connections made between survivors and students that may lead to increased adherence to the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Heather Olsen
holsen@mizelmuseum.orgOperations and Projects Manager
I really appreciate how our Bridges of Cultural Understanding traveling exhibit enables us to bring elements of the museum to the students in their schools. The exhibit not only teaches students about respecting and appreciating different cultures, but it also allows them to interact with a museum exhibit and museum objects in a meaningful and tactile way.

Claire Herritz
cherritz@mizelmuseum.orgDonor Relations and Program Associate
My favorite programs at the Mizel Museum are the community film screenings; they allow the community to come together to learn about historical issues in a modern, easily accessible fashion. They are yet another way the Mizel Institute connects people to Jewish and world history.

Melanie Avner
mavner@mizelmuseum.orgCommunications Specialist
I love how the Mizel Museum’s core exhibit, 4,000 Year Road Trip: Gathering Sparks, illuminates Jewish culture, making it accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds. The exhibit also is a launching point for conversations about social justice and cultural identity, as well as many other relevant issues.

Karlee Butler
Senior Accountant
I love that the Mizel Institute honors an influential member of the community every year; it gives us the opportunity to continue to educate others on our mission and accomplishments. We are also able to recognize and thank our supporters, and demonstrate how their contributions have positively impacted our organization.

Rachel Kapicak
rkapicak@mizelinstitute.orgAssociate Marketing and Engagement Manager
For me, the Babi Yar Remembrance Ceremony is an incredibly important event that pulls you gently into the true significance of commemorating the events of the Holocaust. Between the mesmerizing music, the moving keynote, and the ambiance of the somber yet beautiful park, this ceremony truly pays homage to the victims and survivors of the Holocaust.